Willingness to pay for complete symptom relief of gastroesophageal reflux disease

Leah Kleinman, Emma Mclntosh, Mandy Ryan, Jordana Schmier, Joseph Crawley, G. Richard Locke, Gregory De Lissovoy

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

59 Scopus citations


Background: Over $6 billion per year is spent on prescription medication for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). This study is an economic analysis of patients' willingness to pay for a prescription medication that offers complete relief of GERD symptoms. Methods: The study was a cross-sectional, nonrandomized design recruiting patients from 5 clinical sites. A computer-administered discrete-choice questionnaire was used to explore patients' willingness to pay for various attributes (time to relief, amount of relief, side effects, and out-of-pocket cost) associated with GERD treatment. Patients chose between 2 different combinations of attributes by indicating which scenario they preferred. Data were gathered on health status, health-related quality of life, and sociodemographic characteristics. Results: Two hundred five patients completed the discrete-choice questionnaire with a consistency rate of 99.5%. All attributes were relevant to patient decision making. Respondents were willing to pay up to $182 to obtain complete relief in a short period of time without side effects. Patients with less severe GERD symptoms were willing to pay more to avoid side effects ($58.25 vs $38.43). Older patients were less willing to pay for better relief than younger patients. Conclusions: Results demonstrate that patients are willing to pay more per month for a medication that provides more complete and faster relief from GERD symptoms. This information can guide clinicians and formulary committees in evaluating optimal treatment for GERD.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1361-1366
Number of pages6
JournalArchives of internal medicine
Issue number12
StatePublished - Jun 24 2002

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Internal Medicine


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