Stories for change protocol: A randomized controlled trial of a digital storytelling intervention for Hispanic/Latino individuals with type 2 diabetes

Abby M. Lohr, Katherine Diaz Vickery, Valentina Hernandez, Becky R. Ford, Crystal Gonzalez, Silvio Kavistan, Christi A. Patten, Jane W. Njeru, Paul J. Novotny, Linda K. Larkey, Davinder Singh, Mark L. Wieland, Irene G. Sia

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Background: Hispanic/Latino adults are disproportionately impacted by type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D). The Stories for Change (S4C) Diabetes digital storytelling intervention promotes T2D self-management among Hispanic/Latino people. We describe the S4C protocol and participant baseline characteristics. Methods: Study eligibility criteria: Hispanic or Latino, age 18–70 years, ≥1 office visit within a year at a participating clinic, T2D diagnosis for ≥6 months, HbA1c ≥ 8%, and intention to continue care at the recruitment clinic. We used a two-group, parallel randomized controlled trial design and an intervention derived through a community-based participatory research approach. All participants received usual diabetes care and two cards describing how to engage healthcare teams and access diabetes-related resources. At baseline, the intervention group additionally viewed the 12-min, intervention video (four stories about diabetes self-management). To encourage subsequent video viewing, participants received five monthly text messages. The messages prompted them to self-rate their motivation and self-efficacy for T2D management. The control group received no additional intervention. Bilingual (English/Spanish) staff collected data at baseline, six weeks, three months, and six months including biometric measurements and a survey on diabetes self-management outcomes, theory-based measures, and the number of video views. We reviewed the number of diabetes-related appointments attended using electronic medical record data. Results: Participants (n = 451; 70% women, mean age = 53 years) had an average HbA1C ≥9%. Intervention participants reported identifying with the storytellers and engaging with the stories. Conclusion: We present a digital storytelling intervention protocol that provides a template for future health promotion interventions prioritizing health disparity populations. Clinical

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number107093
JournalContemporary Clinical Trials
StatePublished - Mar 2023


  • Digital storytelling
  • Health equity
  • Hispanic or Latino health
  • Randomized control trial
  • Type 2 diabetes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Pharmacology (medical)


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