Age dependency of androgen and estrogen effects on incorporation of (3H)‐thymidine by rat prostates in organ culture

T. C. Shao, D. J. Tindall, G. R. Cunningham

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15 Scopus citations


Organ culture of the rat ventral prostate has been evaluated as a model for studying the biological effects of androgen agonists, androgen antagonists, and estrogens. Explants were cultured for up to 8 days, and incorporation of (3H)‐thymidine and (3H)‐uridine by the explants was measured. Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) increased the incorporation of (3H)‐thymidine/μg DNA when compared with the untreated controls at 4 days, P < .05; and at 6 days, P < .01. Enhanced uptake in explants from 6 to 8‐week old rats also was observed with 10 nM estradiol (P < .05) and 10 nM cyproterone acetate (P < .02). DHT (10 nM) caused greater enhancement of uptake in explants from 3‐week‐old rats than in explants from 6‐ or 12‐week‐old rats. In contrast, estradiol (E2) increased incorporation only in prostates from the 6‐week‐old rats. Since both DHT and E3 can enhance (3H)‐thymidine uptake even though they are associated with strikingly different effects on prostate morphology, it suggests that their effects on (3H)‐thymidine incorporation are mediated by different cells.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)349-362
Number of pages14
JournalThe Prostate
Issue number4
StatePublished - 1986


  • Dunning adenocarcinoma
  • cyproterone acetate
  • rat ventral prostate

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Oncology
  • Urology


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