Validation of the Oxford classification of IgA nephropathy

Andrew M. Herzenberg, Agnes B. Fogo, Heather N. Reich, Stéphan Troyanov, Nuket Bavbek, Alfonso E. Massat, Tracy E. Hunley, Michelle A. Hladunewich, Bruce A. Julian, Fernando C. Fervenza, Daniel C. Cattran

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

129 Scopus citations


The Oxford classification of IgA nephropathy (IgAN) identified four pathological elements that were of prognostic value and additive to known clinical and laboratory variables in predicting patient outcome. These features are segmental glomerulosclerosis/adhesion, mesangial hypercellularity, endocapillary proliferation, and tubular atrophy/interstitial fibrosis. Here, we tested the Oxford results using an independent cohort of 187 adults and children with IgAN from 4 centers in North America by comparing the performance of the logistic regression model and the predictive value of each of the four lesions in both data sets. The cohorts had similar clinical and histological findings, presentations, and clinicopathological correlations. During follow-up, however, the North American cohort received more immunosuppressive and antihypertensive therapies. Identifying patients with a rapid decline in the rate of renal function using the logistic model from the original study in the validation data set was good (c-statistic 0.75), although less precise than in the original study (0.82). Individually, each pathological variable offered the same predictive value in both cohorts except mesangial hypercellularity, which was a weaker predictor. Thus, this North American cohort validated the Oxford IgAN classification and supports its utilization. Further studies are needed to determine the relationship to the impact of treatment and to define the value of the mesangial hypercellularity score.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)310-317
Number of pages8
JournalKidney international
Issue number3
StatePublished - Aug 1 2011


  • IgA nephropathy
  • clinical epidemiology
  • glomerulonephritis
  • pathology
  • statistics

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Nephrology


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