Transforming growth factor type β can act as a potent competence factor for AKR-2B cells

Anton Scott Goustin, Greg A. Nuttall, Edward B. Leof, Gouri Ranganathan, Harold L. Moses

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

9 Scopus citations


Transforming growth factor type β (TGFβ) is a pleiotropic regulator of cell growth with specific high-affinity cell-surface receptors on a large number of cells; its mechanism of action, however, is poorly defined. In this report, we utilized the mouse fibroblast line AKR-2B to explore the question of the temporal requirements during the cell cycle in regard to both the growth inhibitory and the growth stimulatory action of TGFβ. The results indicate that AKR-2B cells are most sensitive to the inhibitory action of TGFβ during early to mid-G1. In addition, TGFβ need be present only briefly (as little as l min) in order to exert its inhibitory effect on EGF-induced DNA synthesis. Likewise, the stimulatory effect of TGFβ in the absence of EGF requires only an equally brief exposure to TGFβ. Use of homogeneous 125I-labeled TGFβ in a cell-binding assay demonstrates that TGFβ bound to cell-surface receptors can readily exchange into the culture medium T 1 2 = 120 min), helping to rule out the possibility that persistent receptor-bound TGFβ is the source of a continuous stimulus. The data indicate that TGFβ exposure induces a stable state in the cell (T 1 2 = 20 h) similar to but distinct from the state of "competence" induced by platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF).

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)293-303
Number of pages11
JournalExperimental Cell Research
Issue number2
StatePublished - Oct 1987

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Cell Biology


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