Reversal of tolerance to human MUC1 antigen in MUC1 transgenic mice immunized with fusions of dendritic and carcinoma cells

Jianlin Gong, Dongshu Chen, Masahiro Kashiwaba, Yongqing Li, Ling Chen, Hideya Takeuchi, Hui Ou, Gerald J. Rowse, Sandra J. Gendler, Donald Kufe

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214 Scopus citations


Immunological unresponsiveness established by the elimination or anergy of self-reactive lymphocyte clones is of importance to immunization against tumor-associated antigens. In this study, we have investigated induction of immunity against the human MUC1 carcinoma-associated antigen in MUC1 transgenic mice unresponsive to MUC1 antigen. Immunization of adult MUC1 transgenic mice with irradiated MUC1-positive tumor cells was unsuccessful in reversing unresponsiveness to MUC1. By contrast, fusions of dendritic cells with MUC1-positive tumor cells induced cellular and humoral immunity against MUC1. Immunization with the dendritic cell fusions that express MUC1 resulted in the rejection of established metastases and no apparent autoimmunity against normal tissues. These findings demonstrate that unresponsiveness to the MUC1 tumor-associated antigen is reversible by immunization with heterokaryons of dendritic cells and MUC1-positive carcinoma cells.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)6279-6283
Number of pages5
JournalProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Issue number11
StatePublished - May 26 1998

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