Otosclerosis update

L. B. Lundy

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

7 Scopus citations


The use of lasers for primary and revision stapes surgery has many applications and potential advantages over mechanical techniques. It should be emphasized, however, that the laser is simply a tool, albeit a sophisticated one, and not a substitute for knowledge, experience, judgment, or ability. A laser will not 'make' a good stapes surgeon, any more than a scalpel 'makes' a good surgeon. There are limitations as well as benefits to lasers. Excellent results for stapes surgery were obtained for years prior to the advent of lasers, which is testimony to the skill and understanding of nonlaser stapes surgeons.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)257-265
Number of pages9
JournalOtolaryngologic Clinics of North America
Issue number2
StatePublished - 1996

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Otorhinolaryngology


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