Mining the adenovirus virome for oncolytics against multiple solid tumor types

C. Y. Chen, E. A. Weaver, R. Khare, S. M. May, M. A. Barry

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

13 Scopus citations


Although there are 55 serotypes of adenovirus (Ad) that infect humans, Ad serotype 5 (Ad5) is the most widely studied because of the availability of commercial kits for its genetic manipulation. In fact, engineered Ad 5 is currently being used in all of the 87 global clinical trials utilizing Ad for the treatment of cancer. Unfortunately, Ad5 is one of the most seroprevalent serotypes, meaning that this virus has to confront additional immunological barriers to be effective in Ad5-immune patients. In this work, we compare Ad5 to 13 other adenoviral serotypes from species B, C, D and E for oncolytic potential in both immunodeficient mouse and immunocompetent hamster models. Our results indicate that species D Ads are not effective oncolytics against most solid tumors. Conversely, lower seroprevalent Ad6 and Ad11 had anti-cancer activity comparable to Ad5. This work strongly supports the consideration of Ad6-based oncolytic therapies for the treatment of breast, ovarian, kidney and liver tumors.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)744-750
Number of pages7
JournalCancer Gene Therapy
Issue number10
StatePublished - Oct 2011


  • adenovirus
  • cancer
  • oncolytic

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Molecular Medicine
  • Molecular Biology
  • Cancer Research


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