Invasive breast cancer after mastectomy and autologous breast reconstruction

Judy C. Boughey, Shaheen Zakaria, Jennifer L. Herrick, Carol Reynolds, Nho V. Tran, John H. Donohue

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Recurrence or new breast cancer after mastectomy and autologous breast reconstruction is a rare occurrence. We present a case series of four patients with this rare phenomenon and describe their presentation, workup, and surgical and adjuvant therapy. We discuss the possible physiologic mechanisms leading to tumor recurrence in a reconstructed breast along with literature review. A new palpable mass in a reconstructed breast mound warrants tissue diagnosis to avoid delay in treatment. The surgical options for breast cancer in tissue reconstructions depend on the location and extent of the tumor, involvement of the vascular pedicle, stage of disease, and adjuvant therapy options.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number963818
JournalScholarly Research Exchange
StatePublished - 2009

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