Genetic control of immune response to sperm whale myoglobin in mice. II. T lymphocyte proliferative response to the synthetic antigenic sites

K. Okuda, S. S. Twining, C. S. David, M. Z. Atassi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

108 Scopus citations


The genetic control of T lymphocyte proliferative response to the five synthetic antigenic sites of myoglobin, two synthetic nonantigenic control peptides, and one 'nonsense' peptide was determined in independent and recombinant strains of mice. In all the strains examined, the nonantigenic control peptides and the 'nonsense' peptide did not invoke a response in myoglobin-primed mice. Further, when mice were not primed with whole myoglobin, no response was obtained with any of the antigenic sites. Haplotypes H-2(d), H-2(f), and H-2(s) are higher responders to sites 1 and 2, whereas haplotypes H-2(d) and H-2(s) are high responders to site 5. Response to site 3 may be controlled by a non-H-2-linked gene. Site 4 can stimulate H-2b and H-2(k) haplotypes that are non-responders to the whole myoglobin. Studies with the recombinant strains suggested that Ir genes to sites 1 and 2 map in the I-A subregion and I-C subregion and were designated Ir-Mb-1,2(A) and Ir-Mb-1,2(C). Ir genes to sites 4 and 5 mapped only in the I-A subregion and were designated Ir-Mb-4(A) and Ir-Mb-5(A). These studies suggest that individual antigenic sites in a molecule are controlled by unique Ir genes.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)182-188
Number of pages7
JournalJournal of Immunology
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1979

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Immunology and Allergy
  • Immunology


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