Feasibility of blood testing combined with PET-CT to screen for cancer and guide intervention

Anne Marie Lennon, Adam H. Buchanan, Isaac Kinde, Andrew Warren, Ashley Honushefsky, Ariella T. Cohain, David H. Ledbetter, Fred Sanfilippo, Kathleen Sheridan, Dillenia Rosica, Christian S. Adonizio, Hee Jung Hwang, Kamel Lahouel, Joshua D. Cohen, Christopher Douville, Aalpen A. Pate, Leonardo N. Hagmann, David D. Rolston, Nirav Malani, Shibin ZhouChetan Bettegowda, David L. Diehl, Bobbi Urban, Christopher D. Still, Lisa Kann, Julie I. Woods, Zachary M. Salvati, Joseph Vadakara, Rosemary Leeming, Prianka Bhattacharya, Carroll Walter, Alex Parker, Christoph Lengauer, Alison Klein, Cristian Tomasetti, Elliot K. Fishman, Ralph H. Hruban, Kenneth W. Kinzler, Bert Vogelstein, Nickolas Papadopoulos

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70 Scopus citations


Cancer treatments are often more successful when the disease is detected early. We evaluated the feasibility and safety of multicancer blood testing coupled with positron emission tomography-computed tomography (PET-CT) imaging to detect cancer in a prospective, interventional study of 10,006 women not previously known to have cancer. Positive blood tests were independently confirmed by a diagnostic PET-CT, which also localized the cancer. Twenty-six cancers were detected by blood testing. Of these, 15 underwent PET-CT imaging and nine (60%) were surgically excised. Twenty-four additional cancers were detected by standard-of-care screening and 46 by neither approach. One percent of participants underwent PET-CT imaging based on false-positive blood tests, and 0.22% underwent a futile invasive diagnostic procedure. These data demonstrate that multicancer blood testing combined with PET-CT can be safely incorporated into routine clinical care, in some cases leading to surgery with intent to cure.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article numbereabb9601
Issue number6499
StatePublished - Jul 3 2020

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