Detection of influenza a/H1N1-specific human IgG-secreting B cells in older adults by elispot assay

Scott D. Painter, Iana H. Haralambieva, Inna G. Ovsyannikova, Diane E. Grill, Gregory A. Poland

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12 Scopus citations


B cells play an important role in humoral immunity and antibody production. Use of a B cell ELISPOT assay to quantify antigen-specific B cells can assist other assays to achieve a more complete profile of the humoral immune response after vaccination. We utilized a B cell ELISPOT assay to measure the number of influenza A/H1N1-specific B cells at key timepoints after seasonal influenza vaccination in 106 older adults (50-74 years of age). Blood was drawn from these subjects on Day 0, Day 3, Day 28, and Day 75 after vaccination to represent baseline, early, peak, and late response, respectively, of influenza A/H1N1-specific B cells. A significant increase in A/H1N1-specific B cells (median 36 spot-forming units/SFUs per 200,000 cells, p<0.0001) was seen on Day 28 compared to baseline and Day 3, and this number decreased (23 SFUs, p<0.0001) by Day 75, but not to baseline level. These data suggest that the B cell ELISPOT can be used to profile and monitor the humoral immune responses in older subjects after influenza vaccination, and serve as an immune signature marker.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)32-38
Number of pages7
JournalViral Immunology
Issue number2
StatePublished - Mar 1 2014

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Immunology
  • Molecular Medicine
  • Virology


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