CHIR99021 and fibroblast growth factor 1 enhance the regenerative potency of human cardiac muscle patch after myocardial infarction in mice

Chengming Fan, Yawen Tang, Meng Zhao, Xi Lou, Danielle Pretorius, Philippe Menasche, Wuqiang Zhu, Jianyi Zhang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

9 Scopus citations


Background: We have shown that genetic overexpression of cell cycle proteins can increase the proliferation of transplanted cardiomyocytes derived from human induced-pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC-CMs) in animal models of myocardial infarction (MI). Here, we introduce a new, non-genetic approach to promote hiPSC-CM cell cycle activity and proliferation in transplanted human cardiomyocyte patches (hCMPs). Methods: Mice were randomly distributed into 5 experimental groups (n = 10 per group). One group underwent Sham surgery, and the other 4 groups underwent MI induction surgery followed by treatment with hCMPs composed of hiPSC-CMs and nanoparticles that contained CHIR99021 and FGF1 (the NPCF-hCMP group), with hCMPs composed of hiPSC-CMs and empty nanoparticles (the NPE-hCMP group); with patches containing the CHIR99021/FGF-loaded nanoparticles but lacking hiPSC-CMs (the NPCF-Patch group), or patches lacking both the nanoparticles and cells (the E-Patch group). Cell cycle activity was evaluated via Ki67 and Aurora B expression, bromodeoxyuridine incorporation, and phosphorylated histone 3 levels (immunofluorescence); engraftment via human cardiac troponin T or human nuclear antigen expression (immunofluorescence) and bioluminescence imaging; cardiac function via echocardiography; infarct size and wall thickness via histology; angiogenesis via isolectin B4 expression (immunofluorescence); and apoptosis via TUNEL and caspace 3 expression (immunofluorescence). Results: Combined CHIR99021- and FGF1-treatment significantly increased hiPSC-CM cell cycle activity both in cultured cells (by 4- to 6-fold) and in transplanted hCMPs, and compared to treatment with NPE-hCMPs, NPCF-hCMP transplantation increased hiPSC-CM engraftment by ~4-fold and was associated with significantly better measurements of cardiac function, infarct size, wall thickness, angiogenesis, and hiPSC-CM apoptosis four weeks after MI induction. Conclusions: Nanoparticle-mediated CHIR99021 and FGF1 delivery promotes hiPSC-CM cell cycle activity and proliferation, as well as the engraftment and regenerative potency of transplanted hCMPs, in a mouse MI model.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1-10
Number of pages10
JournalJournal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology
StatePublished - Apr 2020


  • CHIR99021
  • Cell cycle
  • FGF1
  • Heart failure
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Nanoparticle
  • Patch
  • Stem cell

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Molecular Biology
  • Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine


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